Oral presentations

Pestizidanalytik auf dem Prüfstand
Erfahrungen aus aktuellen Ringversuchen

B.K. Schindler
GDCh-Fortbildungskurs 656/15
Neue analytische Methoden und rechtliche Vorgaben in der Pestizidanalytik
Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 29th September 2015

Toxikologische Risikobewertung in der Praxis

Schwerpunkt Pestizide & Kontaminanten
Workshop der Lach & Bruns Partnerschaft
Berlin, Germany, 19th & 20th March 2018



B.K. Schindler
12th European Pesticide Residue Workshop, Poster PV020
Munich, Germany, 21rd - 25th May 2018.

Expanded measurement uncertainties of single- and group-specific methods

B.K. Schindler, G. Lach, S. Bruns
11th European Pesticide Residue Workshop, Poster PD086
Limassol, Cyprus, 23rd - 27th May 2016.

The trueness criterion: an alternative concept for the evaluation of proficiency tests

B.K. Schindler
8th EURACHEM Workshop
Proficiency Testing in Analytical Chemistry, Microbiology and Laboratory Medicine, Poster 62
Berlin, Germany, 6th - 9th October 2014.

New approaches in proficiency testing: Spiking of original non-homogenised food products

B.K. Schindler, S. Bruns, G. Lach
10th European Pesticide Residue Workshop, Poster PO019
Dublin, Ireland, 30th June - 3rd July 2014.

Scientific papers

Think-tank MOSH/MOAH

Analytical method DGF-C-VI 22 (20), Quantification of MOSH and MOAH by online LC-GC-FID with low limits of quantification (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fettwissenschaft - German Society of Fats Science).

Biogenic amines - a possible source for nicotine in mushrooms? A discussion of published literature data

B.K. Schindler, S. Bruns, G. Lach
Food Chemistry, Volume 171, 15 March 2015, Pages 379–381
DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.08.099